Non-Financial Information Statement


At 31 August 2024, Trigano employed 10,652 people (full-time equivalents, including temporary staff), an increase of 175 people over the year (+1.7%).

During the 2023/24 financial year, the average headcount including 2023/2024 temporary staff was 11,049. Excluding temporary staff, the workforce totalled 10,168 FTEs (full-time equivalents).
At 31 August 2024, 89.2% of employees held permanent contracts. The use of temporary staff guarantees the flexibility necessary for the seasonal activity of the various entities.

Breakdown of the workforce

By geographical area

Trigano’s workforce is spread across 14 countries, with almost 40% of the workforce based in France, reflecting the group’s history and the investments and acquisitions made in that country.

By activity

The Leisure Vehicles business employed 8,818 people at 31 August 2024 (82.8% of the workforce), while the Leisure Equipment business had 1,834 employees (17.2% of the workforce).

By socio-professional category

Given the nature of the Group’s activities, the majority of the workforce is blue-collar workers who represent 57.7% of the total workforce. Employees, technicians and supervisors together represent 33.5% of the workforce and the management rate is 8.0%. Trainees and apprentices represent 0.8% of the Group’s workforce.
Within each of these socio-professional categories, Trigano strives to mobilise its teams in order to open up its positions, as far as possible, to workers with disabilities. To date, 4.9% of the workforce have been recognised as “disabled workers”.

By function

70.4% of the workforce works in production (53.2% in direct labour and 17.2% in production structures).

By age

The age pyramid, calculated on the population on permanent contracts, shows a fairly homogeneous distribution of the workforce in the different age groups between 30 and 59. Employees under 30 represent 12.9% of the total workforce; over 50s represent one third of staff (34.1%, equating to 3,239 people, with 1,796 people over 55).
The average age is 43.6 years (43.2 years last year).

Training and qualifications

Workplace adaptation, safety, languages: Trigano offers various training courses for its employees, which are essential throughout their professional life.

Intergenerational work and length of service

The average length of service is 10.2 years (compared to 10.5 years the previous year).
42.5% of employees have been with the Group for 5 years or less, 31.4% have been with the Group for between 6 and 15 years and 26.1% have been with the Group for more than 15 years.

Health and safety

Trigano is particularly aware of the importance of occupational health and safety, which forms an integral part of its risk management policy. In particular, investments are regularly made to reduce the loads carried by employees.

Equality of treatment and code of ethics

Principles and operating codes are implemented and applied consistently to all employees throughout the group. Trigano’s code of ethics in particular sets out the roles and responsibilities of each individual. Furthermore, Trigano has always striven to develop its business without granting excessive benefits to intermediaries, without financing political organisations and without distributing any remuneration to market decision makers.

Environmental responsibility

Respecting and preserving nature and controlling the impact of activities on the environment are fundamental values of Trigano’s outdoor activities.

This means using fewer natural resources, limiting emissions, reducing waste production, integrating recycled materials and using renewable energy to reduce the carbon footprint, both in the industrial production and product use phases.

General environmental policy

Trigano’s environmental protection policy is rolled out over two primary areas:

1. the development of products which increasingly respect nature with, notably, the search for reducing weight, energy use and carbon footprint of vehicles as well as the use of recycled or recyclable materials and packaging;

2. The search for and implementation of best practices with particular emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of the various discharges and resources used, reducing the production of hazardous and non-hazardous waste, energy efficiency, the development of the circular economy and the use of renewable energies.

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